UPDATE: 6/03/20 at 2:30PM

The decision has been made to cancel our onsite summer tutoring program.  Virtual tutoring will be offered to students who were previously enrolled in our school year program.  No new students will be accepted for the summer program, but we will gladly accept new students for the upcoming 2020-21 school year.

Contact Sandy Niekum, Tutoring Program Manager, at [email protected] with any questions you may have regarding the tutoring program.

UPDATE: 4/14/20 at 4:30PM

All onsite tutoring at Anchorpoint has been cancelled for the remainder of the academic school year.

Contact Sandy Niekum, Tutoring Program Manager, at [email protected] with any questions you may have regarding the tutoring program.

Many of Anchorpoint’s tutors are available via phone/computer to provide support to parents and students with remote learning assignments. Contact tutors by using emails that have been provided to you, or contact Sandy for assistance.

It is our fervent hope that we will be able to operate our Summer Tutoring Program (June 22nd – August 7th), but we will wait to make this decision when more information is available regarding the safe re-opening of businesses.

UPDATE: 3/20/20 at 5:30PM

Anchorpoint open and seeing clients via Telehealth (Video and Phone Sessions). For the safety of clients and staff, we are not counseling with clients in our offices until Gov. Tom Wolf has lifted the stay at home order. We will also continue to take on new clients as the needs of the community continue to rise.

If you or someone you knows struggling, please use our digital intake form, linked below, to start the process. We are still here for you and will be here for you in the coming days.



UPDATE: 3/20/20 at 11:00AM

The decision has been made to cancel onsite tutoring for the week until further notice.  

Please contact Sandy, Tutoring Manager at [email protected] with any questions you may have regarding the tutoring program.

UPDATE: 3/18/20 at 10:00AM

We are still here and seeing counseling clients in office and we will begin to offer alternative emergency resources to meet with clients. If you are an older adult or at risk, please contact your counselor to discuss options for remote counseling. These resources will be offered at your counselor’s discretion. If you are going to participate in remote counseling, we ask that you pay your bill using the link below. We are taking the necessary precautions to protect our clients but your mental health is our priority. If you are sick, please call your counselor and be sure to stay home.

We have also postponed Single Moms C.A.R.E Group and Grief group with new start dates to come in the near future.

UPDATE: 3/15/20 at 3:00PM

The decision has been made to cancel onsite tutoring for the week of March 16th.  We will re-evaluate things for the week of March 23rd.  Sandy will be in touch with all parents and tutors to discuss the possibility of using other means to answer parents questions or provide assistance with remote learning assignments (phone calls , email or video chat apps may be good options).

Please contact Sandy, Tutoring Manager at [email protected] with any questions you may have regarding the tutoring program.

UPDATE: 3/12/20 at 3:00PM

Anchorpoint has spent the last several days learning about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it is impacting our world. We will be making the necessary adjustments to prevent the spread of the virus.

Our main objective is keeping you and our staff safe. This has been at the center of our conversations every step of the way. With that in mind, we have made several changes in response to the threat of the coronavirus. Below you can learn what we will be doing and what you could do to help stop the virus spread.

Please check back here or on our Facebook page for continued updates, changes or office closures affecting Anchorpoint.

UPDATE: 3/13/20 at 4:30PM

Anchorpoint Counseling Ministry is taking every precaution to serve community members and families safely and effectively (see preventative measures below). The following updates currently apply to our programs. Please check back regularly for the latest information:


Anchorpoint counselors are operating on a normal schedule and are available to see clients. Please communicate directly with your counselor regarding any schedule changes.


Anchorpoint is aware of school closures and understands that academic needs will continue. For this reason, the tutoring program currently plans to remain open. Sandy will be in touch with all parents and all tutors regarding next steps.


Updates regarding the Single Moms CARE Group at Heritage Presbyterian Church and the Spousal Loss Grief Support Group at St. Sebastian will be announced in the coming days. Stay tuned.


  • Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. If you cannot wash your hands, use hand sanitizer which is provided in our waiting rooms.
  • If you become sick, please stay home! Take care of yourself and be careful not to spread germs.
  • Refrain from shaking hands or touching your face.
  • Refer to the CDC’s recommendations using the button below if you need more clarification.


  • We will ensure that common areas are well equipped with soap, hand sanitizer, and other disinfectant agents (i.e. Lysol spray, Clorox wipes, etc.).
  • We will continue a routine schedule of wiping down common areas.
  • Our staff will be asked to wash their hands more frequently throughout the day. They will be refraining from handshakes as well.
  •  If there were a sudden need to close offices our counselors will immediately reach out to their clients.

If you have any other questions, please call 412-366-1300 and we will be happy to answer what questions we can.